Home Transport What are combined windows

What are combined windows

by newsgary

For the production of combined windows, several types of materials are used, which allows you to extend the life of operation, as well as ease of caring for them. Combined windows are quite expensive, but this cost is justified by their remarkable characteristics. In our country, the most common materials for the production of combined windows are: wood, plastic and aluminum.

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Such windows have good strength and are unlikely to require repairs. In the manufacture of combined windows made of wood and aluminum, special aluminum linings are used, this method avoids decay of wooden materials, and its annual repainting.

Such windows have a number of advantages for which you can pay the high cost. Such combined frames can withstand a large load, so you can insert absolutely any type of glass, as it was already mentioned above, such windows do not rot, which eliminates periodic repair work.

There are two types of combined windows: with one frame and with two frames. For example, combined windows with two frames help to make the room cozy, durable and silent.

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