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Penopolex insulation stoves |

by newsgary

Most people who live in panel houses, during the winter, are faced with the problem of freezing walls. This is a sign that the walls must be insulated. There are a great many materials for insulation today, one of them is a foam -polex.

Foam -Penetx is a new generation of insulation material. It is distinguished by excellent working characteristics. Penopolex is also a pure, environmentally friendly material, which has low thermal conductivity and high strength, practically does not absorb moisture, it can be used both in civil and industrial construction.

This insulation is made in the form of plates, the width of which is 600 mm, thickness 20-100 mm, the length of all plates is standard – 1200 mm.

Penoplax insulation

Knowing the exact dimensions of the Pinopplex plate, to calculate their required amount not to make any difficulty. To carry out internal wall insulation, it is enough to use a heater with a thickness of 30 mm.

In addition to the main material, in the process of installation of the insulation, other materials will be needed.

To exclude the occurrence of condensate between foam and wall, we need a vapor barrier film. To do this, you can use a foil plastic film with a thickness of 160-200 microns or foil foamed concrete, the thickness of which should be 3 mm.

Vapor barrier film

For fastening the insulation, you need plastic dowels of a plate -type and long from 80 to 100 mm., Their number is determined at the rate of 5 pcs. On one sheet.

See also: Roof – General concept

For sealing joints, the best option is mounting foam without toluene content.

From the tool you will need: brush, hammer, punch with drill.

Preparation of the wall. This stage will not take much time. First of all, the walls need to be cleaned of the wallpaper, if any. Then on the wall with the help of an H6 brush, it is necessary to apply copper sulfate. For the purpose of disinfection, since if the wall was frozen, a fungus or mold could appear, the preparatory stage ends on this.

Insulation of apartment walls. Using mounting tape, you need to attach a vapor barrier film to the wall, it will be careful in this process, since the vapor barrier film passes the air only one direction. After that, the insulation itself is attached. It is better to start the attachment process from the angle from the floor. Holding the plate using a perforator, it is necessary to drill 5 holes, in the center and in the corners, their depth should be equal to the length of the dowels. After that, each hole should be filled with mounting foam and then score the dowel. The rest of the plates are also attached. Fill the seams between the plates with mounting foam, this will create better tightness. The outer wall must be insulated completely, including near radiators.

After a day, after the end of the mount, the excess of the mounting foam should be removed and you can start the process of lining with sheets of chipboard or drywall.

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