Home Business Warmers for walls, we will have a warm house

Warmers for walls, we will have a warm house

by newsgary

A variety of materials are used for wall insulation, but one of the frequently recommended are polystyrene foam. Penoplex and polystyrene foam have good thermal insulation characteristics and if the insulation is made of these materials, you can be sure that the house will be several degrees warmer. With the help of polystyrene foam, you can make both external and internal insulation.

It is important to correctly calculate the amount of polystyrene foam and it is advisable to use it both for insulation of walls inside and outside the object -experts advise. Installation technology usually includes a number of actions – insulation, and especially mineral wool, can be planted on ordinary glue or do as part of the ventilated facade.

Now it’s time to consider mineral wool, deprived of such negative properties. It is considered natural material formed from basalt pores and slag (this is limestone), when exposed to high temperatures.

If it is mineral wool to apply the walls in a wooden house for insulation of walls in a wooden house, then it will ensure the presence of certain positive properties. For example:

• stability before exposure to fire;

• excellent thermal insulation;

• high noise insulation;

• low stability in front of pairs of air masses;

• does not allow to breed not only fungi, but also mold;

• Long -term operation.

When carrying out work related to insulation, it is important that mineral wool does not have direct contact with water, since otherwise it will not have the previous level of thermal insulation.

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