Home Transport Nano -accumulators from Volvo

Nano -accumulators from Volvo

by newsgary

The company Volvoedar has created its own innovative department, which is engaged in the development of new technologies. Humanity has long been in need of high -quality and reliable products that would fully and very effectively solve all arising problems and requirements. That is why engineers are developing high -quality nano -accumulators, which subsequently will be installed on Volvo production cars.

The most interesting is the approach to the implementation of a new idea – now the battery will be the entire body of a car that can accumulate energy sufficient to maintain a car in a working state. The basic principles of drawing up the protocol of the traffic police on an administrative offense in Russia can be found on specialized sites, and there is also information on how to correctly draw up an offense of the driver.

Polymer resin and special carbon fiber became the main one to create a new body material, and engineers say that before such projects simply did not exist in nature. Special capacitors that will be installed on the machine will accumulate the necessary level of energy, which is designed to consume to maintain the performance of all consumers of electricity. It is planned that some elements of the machine: trunk, doors and even a hatch cover – all this will serve as a kind of battery.

However, the rest of the principle of operation of such batteries will not differ from all the usual batteries. New is only the usual accumulator structure. If the test tests of equipment are high at a high level, then the new Volvo models will be equipped with only them.

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