Home Society For the first time this year, Moscow got up “tightly”

For the first time this year, Moscow got up “tightly”

by newsgary

This week, Moscow for the first time this year stood up “tightly”. Since the morning of February 2, Yandex. Traffic jams “recorded a load of 9 points. And by the end of the working day, everything rolled up to the “top ten”. In the coming days, the city can expect whole strings of such “standing” days.

February is traditionally one of the most difficult for drivers of months. Almost everyone who left the city for the holidays return to the capital. Plus, as a rule, difficult weather conditions. All together gives one of the annual peaks of traffic jams on the roads.

According to the publication, this year everything will be even worse. The number of transport in the city is growing avalanche -shaped. Moreover, the number of cars is increasing regardless of growth in fuel prices, an increase in fines, multi -kilometer traffic jams, the lack of parking space and other charms of a large city.

The coordinator of the public movement, with whom the journalists of the publication talked, believes that in order to effective solving the transport problems of Moscow, you need to pay attention to several points. More operational design of the accident, organization in the center of the network of paid parking lots. A famous public figure, in turn, believes that the city needs the further development of road infrastructure: in particular, the connecting roads.

However, in this case, you should not wait for quick results. The number of cars will also grow quickly. And the victory over traffic jams is a matter of more than one year, or even a decade.

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