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Mounts, but wisely!

by newsgary

What is to be faced with those who want to have modern housing? What can be expressed compromise? Which will help to soften overload?

When someone decides to make his home truly modern, he proceeds from his idea of ​​what is “modern”. For many, this term means not only external attractiveness, but also high functionality, but also a certain level of security.

Criteria and affection.

In principle, any housing is a certain amount of compromises. Because it is impossible to simultaneously satisfy all the desires that a person gives rise. For example, the basic requirements are the following:

Reasonable price,

Spacious rooms,

Fresh air outside the window,

The proximity of traffic flows.

Even this short list, discovers at least three contradictions. Therefore, if a person still wants to get housing, then you can’t do without reasonable compromises.

Technical solutions – the path to success.

One of the contradictions is on the one hand, the desire to have in the house there are many electrical appliances that provide comfort, and on the other, to protect yourself from the possibility of fire. Automatic circuit breakers solve this problem. Like it or not, but without them it is already difficult to imagine a modern dwelling. The consumption of electricians, an individual apartment, is growing, therefore, the load on the wiring is large. As a possible scenario – a short circuit and fire. What to do so that this does not happen? Well, or, at least, that the probability of this is below? You need to put devices that would regulate the state of the electric network. One of them is a circuit breaker.

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