Home Transport Headache for insurance companies and various kinds of authorities in Western countries are drivers who travel on the road without insurance. If they themselves break their car – this is nothing, even if they themselves understand. But if they cause an accident in which the vehicle of another, insured motorist will suffer? Or, even worse (in financial, of course, the plan – the moral aspect of the insurers does not care much) – the life and health of other people.

Headache for insurance companies and various kinds of authorities in Western countries are drivers who travel on the road without insurance. If they themselves break their car – this is nothing, even if they themselves understand. But if they cause an accident in which the vehicle of another, insured motorist will suffer? Or, even worse (in financial, of course, the plan – the moral aspect of the insurers does not care much) – the life and health of other people.

by newsgary

In a normal situation, the company makes paying its client, and then puts a regressive demand for the insurer of the culprit. But if this culprit was not concerned about insurance, then you will have to recover from him, which, as a rule, is very difficult.

Statistics of the United Kingdom, collected by the online insurer confused. , It clearly shows – four of the five similar “non -linear”, which were soldered by court – men, and 42% of the total – young people under the age of 26. The specialists of the company conducting a survey are sure that today young people are encouraging not to insure, because the cost of insurance is prohibitively high for them.

So, for young people aged 17 to 20 years over the past twelve months, the rise in price of the policy amounted to an average of 616 pounds, the total standard premium is now 2080 pounds.

Chapter Confusion. , Will Thomas, gives depressing data – “unheard of” drivers annually cost the UK insurance industry of 500 million. pounds. And each individual client of the insurance company is forced to overpay 30 pounds for their policy.

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