Home Society DIY metal roof

DIY metal roof

by newsgary

Before the direct start of the installation process, it is best to get acquainted with the set of installation rules for all layers of these products. To do this, look at the image of a roof of metal tiles, videos, find out the price for all the necessary materials and tools.

Initially, the design of the crate is created for laying this material from a beam with a size of 10×2.5 or 10×5 cm, which is advised to treat with antiseptic sprays before the work to prevent wood rot. The crate is attached at the top of the waterproofing layers to a wooden beam 5 cm. This solution will create ventilation under the roof.

The first board of the structure, which is attached from the cornice, needs to be made more than others by 1 cm, and then you need to correctly create a distance of 30 cm between the boards. The level of sheet lengths is determined by the length of the slope. If the slope has dimensions over 6 m, the coating is best divided into a couple of parts. The price of this material is different. But often the cost of metal tiles is available to everyone. And her assortment is quite huge.

It is possible to cover the roof with this material in any direction, it all depends on the type of roof. If the frame is double-sloping, then the installation should start with some end to your choice. If this is a tent plot, then from the highest point we move in stages in both directions. Before installing the material on the inner junction of the slopes, it is better to fix the lower bar on the dowel. The installation of this material is performed from the bottom up. At the top at the junction of the elements are attached the upper plane of the values. New sheets need to be mounted under the wave of previous.

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