Home Cars Choosing a profession – land management specialist

Choosing a profession – land management specialist

by newsgary

Most of secondary school graduates are faced with the problem of choosing a future profession. One of the highly paid and prestigious professions in our time is the work of a specialist in land management. To work in this specialty, you need to get a higher education, this is a good option if you are looking for a job in karsh.

Land management engineers are in demand in almost all largest companies, since the successful work of the company, large production largely depends on the land of the land belonging to the company, on land tax, and here, without a professional in the field of land management, you can not do.

Specialists in this area are engaged in the regulation of relations on land issues, arrange the use of land plots for different purposes, and are engaged in land protection. Land management engineers prepare land for various construction: industrial, agricultural, housing.

With the help of special geodetic devices, experts set the boundaries of land allotments, measure the area, and carry out topographic survey of the areas. In addition, land management worker should know land legislation well, whether certain plots are used correctly, to maintain relevant documentation.

The specialist also needs the following knowledge: ecology, land protection from erosion, according to cadastral legislation, laws on nature protection.

In addition to professional training, it is not good for an agricultural engineer to have such qualities as: sociability, strong memory, resistance to stressful situations, and physical endurance will not interfere.

A profession in the field of land management can be obtained after graduating from specialized universities, for example: the State University of Land Management, the University of Geodesy and Cartography and some others.

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