Home Society Warm floor – pros and cons of

Warm floor – pros and cons of

by newsgary

The technology of the warm floor in the house can significantly reduce the need for the house for heating. The warm floor is ideal for both bathrooms and for large rooms. However, this type of heating has its cons.

There are two types of floor heating: water and electric. The first implies launching under the floor of pipes with water (hot), the second – heating with electric cables.

The water floor is considered less costly, since the pipes are attached to the central system of hot water supply or heating system. However, a very significant drawback of it is that it is impossible to independently regulate the heating of the floor – after all, you cannot adjust the temperature of the hot water that is supplied to your apartment. In addition, if hot water is turned off, such a system becomes completely useless. A good option such a warm floor system will be in a private house with an autonomous heating system.

Electric floors are suitable for absolutely any type of room, they easily fit and serve for a long time. This system allows you to choose the desired heating temperature. And you can also program such a warm floor so that it turns off and starts in certain hours – this will save electricity. In the process of installing an electric warm floor, it is necessary to correctly solve such a issue as the choice of a circuit breaker, which are simply called machines. So, these same machines should have sufficient amprage.

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