Home Exclusive news Universal flooring

Universal flooring

by newsgary

Of the entire variety of floor coverings on the floor of floor coverings, linoleum continues to remain quite popular for a long time, without giving other floor coverings the palm of the primacy. This coating (linoleum) has such characteristics as: simple laying of paving slabs, wear resistance, is not afraid of moisture (that is, water), excellent sound insulation and thermal insulation in the room. When choosing a floor covering for the kitchen, corridor, that is, rooms with high patency and constant mechanical influences from human legs, pay special attention to the thickness of the protective upper layer of the selected linoleum. She (that is, the thickness of the protective upper layer of the selected linoleum) determines the life of the linoleum itself. For these rooms (that is, the corridor and kitchen) the so -called commercial type of linoleum (protection layer is 0.6 millimeters) is suitable. For sleeping rooms, you can choose less wear -resistant – household (its protection is –0.2 millimeters).

Carefully look at the basis of linoleum, that is, the back of the, the presence of which extends the life of the material and better retains heat and increases the sound insulation. Linoleum without a base is rather an economical option. Suppose that you are satisfied with the duration of the service of such a coating, then the variety of design can become quite worthy compensation. It is very important to prepare the surface of the floor for laying linoleum. A competently aligned floor surface guarantees the perfect result.

And yet, the consumer should pay attention to the following points:

1.lack of sharp chemical smell;

2.optimal repetition of the drawing module at a distance of 1 and1.5 meters;

3.manufacturer’s logo, which confirms the quality of linoleum.

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