
by newsgary

To acquire a pool on the site with a suburban house is a great idea that can not only create amenities, but emphasize your status and taste. However, the error in design can create a sea of ​​problems, because water is capable of surprises, and without water the pool is a rather sad spectacle. Firstly, you need to decide what you expect from the pool: decorative function or sports. A sports pool or swimming pool should have quite large sizes in all three dimensions, this is the issue of the safety of staying in it. This is especially important if children can be in the pool.

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In addition, such a pool should be equipped with a very productive system for changing water, special tiles and places for safe immersion and leaving water. In our area, the arrangement of an open pool largely loses its meaning due to the duration of the cold period. A decorative landscape pool can be placed in a recreation area or in front of a terrace, and it can have small sizes, the most bizarre shape. The main thing is to ensure reliable drainage of water in order to avoid siltation and do not forget to release water for the winter. A bowl of such a pool is usually made of concrete, so for the winter it is best to cover it from snow and ice with a wooden shield or a dense fabric.

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