Home Transport How to close the ceiling seams: advice to beginners

How to close the ceiling seams: advice to beginners

by newsgary

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Having started repairs, everyone wants to do everything as well as possible, so that then nothing to redo. According to professionals, it is better to immediately thoroughly do the work. Suspicious structures and suspended ceilings are now quite popular, and here it is important to know how to close the ceiling seams; No matter what it is planned to do with the ceiling: just paint, stick wallpaper or stick decorative tiles.

Phased instructions for the confusion of ceiling seams

If you need to build a suspended structure, then you can not bother yourself and do not close the seams (no one will see them anyway). But for painting or under wallpaper, the ceiling must be prepared:

At first, the seam needs to be expanded a little. For this, a perforator and a special spatula are used.

Using a conventional knife, the seam must be thoroughly cleaned. Important: you will have to work in places where pipes pass through the ceiling, so that as a result it turns out to be perfect.

For high -quality adhesion with putty for sealing seams, you must definitely use a primer. It is advisable to use deep penetration.

At this stage, seams are blown with a special gun. Then fill all the cracks with construction foam.

As soon as the foam dries (this usually takes no more than half an hour), cut off with the help of a clerical knife of its excess along the seams and near the pipe.

Now you can start putty. To do this, prepare a building mixture in accordance with the instructions.

You can directly start sealing the seams. A mixture is applied with a spatula, voids are filled. If necessary, foam is used. After 40 minutes, repeat actions with the seams. Then the entire ceiling is primed, and putty is applied.

Useful: the choice of putty is of particular importance. The assortment is quite wide, so it is difficult to do without the advice of professionals.

Specialists in the field of repair and construction work can give many sensible advice on how best to close the ceiling seams. Everything comes with experience, there is nothing supercomplicated in this matter.

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