Home Culture Durable house made of natural wood

Durable house made of natural wood

by newsgary

In ancient times, Russian people built strong houses made of wood, which stood a century and did not rot. And all why? Because they knew how to handle a tree. After all, it is not enough to cut it off and clean it from the bark. It needs to be dried, and then also treated with resin or other natural substances. protecting from rot and bugs.

Modern methods of “fast” buildings try to do everything not only quickly, but also as cheap as possible. Dry a thick log energy -intensive and the price of the construction of a wooden house is price. It is much cheaper and better to cut a log into a beam that dries faster. Choose the one that after drying did not warp and glue in the bars of the size that is necessary. The size at the same time is not only the thickness of the beam, but also its length.

Glued beam combines the strength of modern materials protected from rot and bugs, and the environmental purity of wood.

Among customers of houses from glued beams, there are sometimes those who are afraid that in their house will smell of glue, not wood. Especially for them, I report that the beam is glued so that the seams with glue are not inside the house, but along the wall.

Special openings for electrical wiring are made in the beam, which allows you not to post the walls, but as quickly as possible to finish the construction of a turnkey house and enter it live.

If you order one of the existing typical houses, then the construction will be much faster. Since in the company at the link of a house from glued beams are developed by “modular”, that is, all the components of the already desired size and it remains only to assemble the house as a designer.

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