Home Style DIY DIY work

DIY DIY work

by newsgary

Obviously, any repair begins with destruction. Dismantling of walls for redevelopment is almost always required in apartments, which are in houses “not the first freshness”, and sometimes it is necessary to change the internal structure of housing in new buildings. It is also necessary to remove the old floor coverings, wallpaper, take out furniture, windows, window sills and many other things that will interfere with the creation of a new look of the apartment.

In the case of new buildings, it often happens that the builders produce the so -called “black” finish, namely: wall plaster with coarse mixture, putty, etc. D. But the quality of this work often leaves much to be desired. You need to check all the walls, knock and identify the voids that need to be eliminated, otherwise the noise from neighbors and drafts are provided with you. But besides all this, poor-quality plaster can simply fall off after a while.

No less time -consuming activity is the dismantling of old windows and window sills, if necessary, of course. If your plans have a replacement of windows, then you need to perform it first, since in the future such a amount of dirt and garbage can damage the places in which the repair has already been made. To preserve the type of novelty of windows and window sills, you should not remove the protective film in which they are supplied until the end of the repair work.

The legislation of the Russian Federation involves the use of many regulatory documents in the organization of production. By the DOCS link.CNTD is available GOST, SANPIN, SNiP, as well as codes of the Russian Federation. The database of documents on the above website is updated in accordance with the amendments of the law.

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