Home Society Construction industry and generation Facebook

Construction industry and generation Facebook

by newsgary

A certain group of people in our time is identified as a generation of Facebook (or generation f). These are people who grow in a world where the use of social networks is a common occurrence. The use of social networks like Facebook is considered as a force affecting the method of developing personal and working ties. As a result, a new philosophy of communication with other people was born, which differs from the philosophy used by other generations. Understanding the generation Facebook helps many companies position themselves in the market and promote their goods. In some cases, not knowing the philosophy of the Facebook generation, it is impossible to communicate with this generation, as with the customer. For example, many people of this generation perceive as the norm of VKontakte correspondence on jargon with the manager of the company from whom they want to order goods or services.

Facebook generation combines online friends into one area, forming a circle of acquaintances. Moreover, friends in VK and Facebook in a person may not be different and not coincide with the local group of friends. Nevertheless, the generation F uses social networks to support each other and exchange buildings. And tools built into sites like VK and Facebook allow users to exchange data and interact with other saps. Companies, in particular construction, have the opportunity to use the philosophy of generation F to promote their goods.

Of course, it is obvious that social networks can be used for standard forms of advertising and marketing, but if you recall the features of the philosophy of generation f, then they can be used in another way. For example, do not forget that the generation f, perceives communication on social networks as a conversation face to face, so any entry on a personal page can be positioned as a story. This means that the social network is an ideal option for sundress radio. If earlier companies have to say “advise us to their friends”, now they just need to give a person the opportunity to post. This can be done in a direct way, for example, ask a person to make a record for the link. Either you can create conditions for a person to make an entry himself and thereby inadvertently informed his communication group about you as an important contact.

Facebook generation affects how entire corporations think. Already, social networks are used to disseminate information as quickly as possible, collect public opinion, conduct field tests, etc.P.

Interestingly, the social network also affect the duration of the working day of employees. If earlier people had a solid block of 8 hours of labor efforts, now the periods devoted to work are stretched during the day from morning to night. This is characteristic even for those who work in construction companies, not only in the position of an office worker, but also direct employees of the construction site. So, the foreman can correspond at 10 pm with the customer regarding design or documents.

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