Home Culture Wall paint – select quality!

Wall paint – select quality!

by newsgary

What parameters are important when choosing paint for walls. What exactly is worth paying attention to. Is it worth saving on quality, or is it better to choose a product worthy of trust.

Когда перед человеком встаёт перспектива проведения ремонтных работ в своём жилище, один из первых вопросов, который он себе задаёт « а какие материалы выбрать?”. And, as always, he chooses based on the ratio of “price-quality”. But what to mean by quality? Beauty, durability? Or there may be a brand’s prestige?

If we talk about the choice of paint for walls, then, in the first place, of course, there should be environmental friendliness. If you want, you don’t want, and if something harmful in the paint turns out to be inhaled, the family members will have to inhale for many weeks, or maybe months. And then it will be very difficult to explain to them that, they say, you should not be so outraged, they say, the price of paint was very profitable ..

The next moment, of course, stability. Well, it will be a shame if the painted surface begins to crumble in a couple of months? Or lose color. And here, too, the memories of what managed to buy much cheaper is unlikely to warm the soul very much! Yes, and given that everything will have to be repainted, will there be any savings? A very big question.

You can recall a pair of three important features, but the conclusion, in general, is one. Do not save on quality! It will turn out more expensive ..

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