Home Style Terrace board

Terrace board

by newsgary

Terracial board (decing) is a unique facing material that is suitable for both internal and external use. It is made of wood-polymer composite by extrusion of PVC, flour of coniferous wood and a number of additives. Thanks to this composition and method of production, decing is a material with unique physical and mechanical properties.

The terrace board in its characteristics has all the advantages of natural wood, however, it is devoid of its main disadvantages: exposed to fungus and mold, rotting, deformation and cracking during operation and many other. Thanks to this, the scope of decing is very wide: for the decoration of terraces, balconies, pierces, shipping decks, pools, sports grounds and many other surfaces.

When caring for a terrace board, you need to know that it is impossible to clean it with whitening means. Such funds can ruin the appearance of the board. The terrace board has a strong monolithic structure, therefore, to clean the pollution on it, as a rule, it is enough to apply a wet sponge or rag. For especially persistent pollution, non -aggressive detergents diluted with hot water are used. Fat spots tend to absorb into the structure of the board, so they must be removed immediately after the appearance. To remove the spots of wine and juices, you still cannot do without bleaching detergents. As a rule, in the accompanying documents to the board, the maximum concentration of the bleaching substance in the solution is indicated. This concentration is better not to exceed.

Ink spots from the decking surface cannot be removed, but they can be made less visible with soap solution and warm water.

As you can see, a terrace board is a rather unpretentious material in terms of care. It is enough just to remove dust from it and correctly fight the persistent pollution of the coating. In all other respects, it is a beautiful and durable coating that does not require special care.

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