Home Culture Supervision of the construction of your home

Supervision of the construction of your home

by newsgary

Not so long ago, a new service appeared in the construction site – technical supervision. The main goal of this event is to optimize construction work. That is, technical supervision will help minimize costs during construction without loss of quality.

Saving funds begins already at the stage of designing the future home. The result is achieved through a rational propagation of a new project and a thorough selection of materials necessary for the construction.

This approach allows you to save not only during construction work, but also during the operation of the building (on heating and repairs). Thus, the costs of technical supervision pay off 2-2.5 times.

Also, the use of technical supervision reduces the construction time by excluding possible errors and the need to eliminate them.

It’s no secret that each construction company seeks to increase its income. Often to maximize profit, a decrease in cost due to the use of low -grade materials is used. It is clear that this may affect the quality of work.

It is quite difficult to identify such manipulations. In this case, the technical supervision will make sure that the structure is built in accordance with the project and ensure proper quality.

An example of the work of technical supervision:


Having decided to build a house, you order an individual project worth 80,000 rubles. Given all improvements, the price of the project will be approximately 95,000 rubles. If you use the technical supervision service, the project cost will be reduced to 45,000 rubles.

How does this happen? You choose 10 options from finished projects. The company’s specialists, given all the technical nuances, help you choose one of these projects. After that, the freelancer makes changes to the project according to the technical assignment. As a result, we get saving 45,000 rubles, and this is taking into account the payment of technical supervision services.

The next stage – the construction of the foundation can be viewed here.

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