Home Cars How to choose the thermal insulation of pipelines

How to choose the thermal insulation of pipelines

by newsgary

To achieve effective energy supply, it is necessary to deal with the issue of thermal insulation of pipelines. In this case, you need to choose such an isolation that will be suitable for the features of this object. We analyze the main parameters of thermal insulation of pipelines. The insulation of the pipeline will affect the humidity indicators, because the material should not accumulate moisture. Thermal insulation material should be fire -resistant, because at many objects for thermal insulation you can use only non -combustible compositions that meet certain requirements. In this connection, it is advisable to use basalt fiber or foam glass. If you need to isolate cold pipelines, then we use the material that will exclude the possibility of condensation.

If you are now busy studying thermal insulation materials, then do not forget to read about polyurethane foam. By the way, PPU pipes have low thermal conductivity coefficient. Such pipes will immediately be thermal -insulated and waterproofing. All pipes must be shut up with insulation. Such pipes are used in construction to build fast -far -fetched buildings.

When choosing the thermal insulation of the pipeline, it is necessary to take into account that it should work at elevated temperatures. Use basalt fiber. The network should be protected from mechanical damage, chemical compositions and environmental effects. Also, if the pipeline is in a prominent place, it should be aesthetically attractive.

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