Home Exclusive news Choosing an interior door according to our method

Choosing an interior door according to our method

by newsgary

When your house is praised for its purity, beauty and an interesting interior, you experience a great sense of satisfaction for the work done. We love to hear such compliments, because to come up with and make an adorable repairs, and then maintain comfort and atmosphere of comfort in the resulting room – these are not so simple tasks. But today we will talk only about one element of the interior, which requires the right choice and care. These are doors.

Finding the right door for your interior is quite difficult. Still would! In addition to countless design options, we need to choose one of a billion designs, which should be combined with a room and corridor. To help you cope with this task most quickly, we created a small manual-chief of the choice of the choice of an interior door. After reading our main theses at the choice of the door, you can safely go to any store to buy doors in St. Petersburg, Moscow or any other city of Russia, Ukraine, Belorrussi and in the whole world.

There are three points: style, strength and budget. You need to place them in the order that is most significant for you. Other instructions are created with a step -by -step choice where you start first from one, then from the other, and then from the third. But we decided that you yourself must decide which of these factors is fundamental for you. You really don’t need to buy a beautiful expensive door from an array if you have problems with money. You can invest in such purchases, but only on condition that this does not press too much on your budget. The strength of the structure and its acoustic properties for many are more important than its beauty. For example, in offices or for doors to a teenager’s room who loves to play a guitar or listen to music. By the way, teenagers often seal their doors with posters, so buying a high -class door often does not make sense to buy such revolutionary children to the room until they grow up.

Durability and reliability are in high factors, and many attribute them to the most important point of purchase of the door. But the truth is that you will probably make repairs before even the cheapest door will fail. This is provided that the drunken neighbor Uncle Fedr will not knock out your interior doors with his feet. But we sincerely hope that it does not reach your house. Therefore, strong high -quality interior doors and for a large amount are needed primarily for those houses that plan to maintain the style of their interior for a long time and even after the repair to hold the main concept of the design of the room. Very weak doors can really break or spoil faster at the load on the side of the animals (dogs scratch the door to open) or with sharp claps. So make sure you buy a door for a suitable situation in your family.

For those who consider their money, the first thing is to decide on the price that you can afford. Having set your own frames, do not go behind them.

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