Home Culture Baguette frames

Baguette frames

by newsgary

To create original interiors, it is not enough to decorate the walls with a beautiful finish and create an atmosphere of fashionable furniture items. A large role in the formation of the atmosphere of the premises is played by small accessories that make comfort and home heat. One of these elements can be a baguette frame made by yourself. Beautiful baguette frames are not made independently, it will require experience and special equipment for this.

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the picture for which the frame is intended. Next, you need to decide on the material. Plastic is characterized by a large selection of shades, so it is preferable. Assembly reliability depends on the quality of cutting. To do this, it is advisable to use the guillotine, which will create even blanks with certain sizes.

The next step is to fasten the parts of the plastic into a single structure in which a photo or picture will be placed. It is recommended to use a sewing machine here here. With its help, the brackets are “inserted” into the workpieces, thus connecting the parts between.

If the machine is not at hand, then the elements of the baguette can be fastened by glue. It is advisable to prepare a rapidly drying and colorless tool, but not matte.

The final stage is a fixation of the picture or photography. This can be done using a stapler. In this case, accuracy and accuracy are required, since the paper base can easily be damaged. If you plan to design glass or solid products, you will have to use a pneumatic gun.

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