Home Exclusive news Auto Instructor and lady driving

Auto Instructor and lady driving

by newsgary

For a long time, prejudices about the lady driving and jokes about a woman – the driver as a monkey with a grenade have gone the past. Today, wherever you look, especially after the weekend – women control cars.

Is it so easy to be a driver of an iron unit for a woman?! On the one hand, everything is simple – I learned, received rights, accepted a cool machine as a gift, and drive, take children to training, to school, to music. And on the other, any malfunction on the road for a man is an almost business, for a woman – shock.

The most important success for us, I will, get into the instructors of a non -nervous, unbalanced type at the driving school, but a patient instructor, because the auto instructor is a professional for a woman is the main person who can write out the right “waybill” for life.

Having graduated from schools, women, and the difference from a strong floor, continue for another month – two for a fee to master all the wisdom of driving with the instructor. And they do the right thing – because, practice with insurance – the key to professionalism on the road, adequate behavior, skillful maneuvering in any environment and in any weather.

Only one advice to the ladies – do not take your own husbands to the instructors, this has not brought any benefit to anyone. The exception is not even husbands who work as instructors in a driving school.

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