Home Transport Auto and safety of children

Auto and safety of children

by newsgary

Every second parent at security measures “waves his hand”, reassuring himself: these rules of traffic rules require too much, somehow they do not join with life. And it is true, whether, for example, it is necessary to torment the child, tightly tightening him in this “uncomfortable” car seat, and mother goes from behind-holds, traces. Or here’s another situation: his son is 12 years old, and dad already decides to give him guaranteed, and not in a deserted field or training track, but on a busy road. Quite a bit, because he is sitting nearby, nothing will happen during this time. Naturally, no chairs and belts are again subconscious ignoring the rules so necessary in this situation.

And in life on the roads, it is the indifference of parents in relation to the safety of their own children is one of the priority causes of the most severe injuries or even the deaths of babies. In the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, one of the published articles “Racing with kids” said that the number of accidents with the participation of children is growing at a frantic speed. From January to September, the month compared to the same months of last year, the numbers on the incidents on roads with the participation of minor children increased by eleven percent – and this is a lot. Viktor Kuznetsov – Head of the Directorate of the traffic police in the Moscow Region, repeatedly in the press and in other media “beat the alarm”, urging parents to change their minds regarding the safety of children. After all, we ourselves, sometimes because of laziness, and otherwise, because of greed, we create risky situations in which we can easily lose the most expensive that we have in life. Look around – children are very often transported not according to the established rules. But all these rules were developed not just like that, but for the sake of safety. The traffic police register more than a hundred violations of the rules of auto transportation of children on the roads of the city – these are only those whom they stop: real numbers are much higher. Viktor Kuznetsov’s proposal for the introduction of a law that gives the right to be fined by those who transport small passengers of their cars without convenient and safe children’s seats in an amount equal to the cost of these seats are satisfied. Now this fine is 3,000 rubles. When talking with traffic police officers, you can hear annoying stories from their observations in duty in school territories as parents bring their small preschool children not so long ago to school. Moreover, parents did not make contact, and categorically refused to discuss the topic of the security of the transportation of their babies. Based on the results of the survey, which was conducted by the famous “Russian newspaper” mutually with the organization “Movement without Danger” and with the VTsIOM, it turned out that the number of people who did not have a car in their cars and at all, from forty percent increase to seventy. But car seats can protect small passengers from death and serious injuries more than once. The World Health Organization confirms the decrease in the mortality of child passengers by more than fifty-five percent, and the possibility of injury by seventy, under the conditions of using car seats in the machine. According to the statistics of foreign countries, every second child, who directly found himself in the center of events, receives the most serious injuries in the car’s salon, and not under its wheels. Therefore, to take care of his security is necessary there. Police officers and employees of healthcare bodies understand the need to acquire and install children’s car seats in the salons of a car. Therefore, in many areas and regions of the Russian Federation it is planned to conduct an extensive program: “Children – car – chair!”. One of its components will be a online show of children’s performances, which in an unobtrusive playful composition will show all the positive aspects of using children’s car seats. Here, plots will play on the topic “Minor while driving”, where the children will be explained how risky for their lives to drive the car before acquiring this right. It would seem that for the incident, but in life it is – the traffic police are increasingly faced with the fact of being a teenager driving a car of his parents. Last year there was a case: in a small Russian town, a fifteen-year-old little boy stole the keys to Opel-Astra’s father’s car and decided to ride together with classmates. When leaving the city, Youngs did not have the strength or skills to keep the car at a steep turn and it was taken to a ditch. She rolled over. His fourteen -year -old girlfriend and friend died right on the spot. And two other friends were taken to intensive care. The safety of children depends, first of all, on us, parents. After all, no one else will make sure that the minor child is not driving a car. And put the baby in a car seare, even if the path lies with the nearest supermarket, we can only ourselves! Take care of the children!

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