Home Culture What is the secret of a rubber film

What is the secret of a rubber film

by newsgary

The creation of an artificial reservoir requires reliable waterproofing from the external environment, whether it is liquid rubber, PVC film or concreting. However, a rubber film for the pond is considered the most durable and persistent, which is confirmed by numerous quality certificates. This is a great combination of simplicity, water resistance and elasticity.

Advantages and features

The rubber film has a smooth rubberized surface in a satin black color and is a vulcanized coating of butyl membrane. Compared to other waterproofing methods, it has many advantages:

High extension of the film (up to 300%), which makes it possible to freely styling by relief or bias.

Thermal resistance. Without deformation tolerates absolutely any temperature.

Amazing water resistance (thanks to a waterproofing membrane, especially two -layer).

Increased tightness and isolation (maximum water restraint).

Simple operation. The film is large (width – 15 m., length – 61 m.), which significantly reduces the costs and time for installation, and does not require regular care.

This is a non -toxic material that will be favorable for the aquatic environment and its inhabitants.

Among other things, it has excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation, highlighting rain. However, it is necessary to exclude interaction with oil products, oils and fats.

The rubber film made a breakthrough in the industry for the construction of artificial water structures and is rightfully the most reliable way of waterproofing.

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